Skewers Surf & Turf Meets Chimichurri

Grilling season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than with a delectable combination of land and sea? Introducing our Skewers Surf & Turf Meets Chimichurri, a perfect blend of juicy beef sirloin, succulent shrimp, and vibrant cherry tomatoes, all brought together with a zesty chimichurri sauce. This dish is not only visually stunning but also a burst of flavors that will leave your taste buds dancing.

Why This Recipe is Perfect for You

Whether you’re hosting a backyard barbecue or looking for a quick weeknight dinner, this recipe is your go-to. It’s designed for anyone who loves the simplicity of grilling and the freshness of homemade sauces. The Surf & Turf combination is a crowd-pleaser, offering something for everyone. Plus, the chimichurri sauce adds a refreshing kick that elevates the entire dish.

Ingredients and Equipment

Ingredients for the Surf & Turf Skewers:

  • 8 large shrimp, peeled and deveined
  • 8 chunks of beef sirloin (about 1-inch cubes)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • Wooden or metal skewers (if using wooden, soak in water for 30 minutes to prevent burning)

Ingredients for the Chimichurri Sauce:

  • 1 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh oregano, finely chopped
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Kitchen Equipment Needed:

  • Grill (gas or charcoal)
  • Skewers
  • Mixing bowls
  • Cutting board and knife
  • Basting brush

Step-by-Step Directions

Prepare the Skewers:

  1. Preheat the Grill: Start by preheating your grill to medium-high heat. This ensures that the skewers cook evenly and develop a nice char.
  2. Assemble the Skewers: Thread the shrimp, beef cubes, and cherry tomatoes alternately onto the skewers. This mix ensures every bite has a perfect balance of flavors.
  3. Season and Oil: Brush the skewers with olive oil and season generously with salt and pepper.
  4. Grill to Perfection: Place the skewers on the grill and cook for 6-8 minutes, turning occasionally. The shrimp should be pink and opaque, while the beef should be cooked to your liking.

Make the Chimichurri Sauce:

  1. Combine Ingredients: In a bowl, mix together the parsley, oregano, garlic, olive oil, red wine vinegar, red pepper flakes, salt, and pepper.
  2. Let It Sit: Allow the sauce to sit for at least 10 minutes. This resting time lets the flavors meld together beautifully.


Serve the skewers hot, drizzled with the chimichurri sauce or with the sauce on the side for dipping.

Tips and Tricks

Tips for Perfect Skewers:

  • Even Cuts: Ensure your beef chunks are cut evenly to ensure consistent cooking.
  • Soak Wooden Skewers: If using wooden skewers, soak them in water for at least 30 minutes to prevent burning on the grill.
  • Don’t Overcrowd: Leave a little space between the ingredients on the skewers to allow even cooking and better flavor distribution.


  • Vegetarian Option: Swap the shrimp and beef for firm tofu or portobello mushrooms.
  • Different Proteins: Try using chicken or lamb instead of beef for a different twist.
  • Spicy Kick: Add a dash of cayenne pepper to the chimichurri sauce for an extra spicy kick.

Storage and Leftovers

Storing Leftovers:

  • Refrigeration: Store any leftover skewers and chimichurri sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator. They will keep for up to 3 days.
  • Reheating: Reheat the skewers on a grill or in a preheated oven at 350°F until warmed through. The chimichurri sauce is best served fresh but can be stored for up to 3 days in the fridge.

Food and Drink Pairings

Pairing Suggestions:

  • Side Dishes: Serve with a fresh garden salad, grilled vegetables, or a light pasta salad.
  • Drinks: Pair with a crisp white wine like Sauvignon Blanc, a light beer, or a refreshing lemonade.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Can I use frozen shrimp?
A: Yes, you can use frozen shrimp. Just make sure to thaw and pat them dry before threading onto the skewers.

Q: Can I make the chimichurri sauce in advance?
A: Absolutely! The chimichurri sauce can be made a day in advance and stored in the refrigerator. This can even enhance the flavors.

Q: What’s the best way to ensure the beef is cooked to the right doneness?
A: Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. For medium-rare, aim for 135°F, and for medium, aim for 145°F.

For those looking to explore other delightful recipes, don’t miss our comprehensive guide on Introduction to Strawberry Cake Filling, where we delve into the art of creating the perfect fruity layer for your cakes.

Call to Action

We hope you enjoy making and devouring these Skewers Surf & Turf Meets Chimichurri as much as we do. This dish is sure to impress your family and friends with its vibrant flavors and beautiful presentation. Don’t forget to share this recipe with your loved ones and subscribe to our blog for more delicious recipes and cooking tips. Happy grilling!

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