A Feast of Foil: Grilled Shrimp, Corn, Potatoes, and Smoked Sausage

Welcome to a culinary adventure that promises to bring joy to your taste buds and ease to your meal prep! Today’s recipe, featuring shrimp, corn, potatoes, and smoked sausage, all cozily wrapped in individual foil packets, is not just a meal but an experience. Perfect for grilling enthusiasts and those who love flavorful, hassle-free cooking, this dish is designed to delight. Whether you’re planning a backyard barbecue, a family dinner, or a camping trip, this recipe ensures everyone gets a perfectly seasoned, deliciously steamy packet of goodness.


Why This Recipe Works

This recipe is the epitome of convenience meets flavor. Each ingredient complements the others, with the smokiness of the Andouille sausage enhancing the sweet freshness of the shrimp and corn, all balanced by the heartiness of baby potatoes. The individual foil packets not only make serving a breeze but also ensure that the flavors meld beautifully in a steamy embrace, creating a moist, aromatic, and tender meal. This method also simplifies cleanup, making it an all-around winner for busy cooks.

Who Should Try This Recipe?

Are you a busy parent looking for a quick and delightful dinner? Maybe you’re a camping enthusiast in search of a recipe that’s both easy to prepare and carry? Or perhaps you’re simply a food lover craving something deliciously different? If so, this recipe is for you. It’s also ideal for those who are gluten-free and looking for a hearty meal that doesn’t compromise on flavor.

What You’ll Need

  • Grill or oven: This recipe is versatile enough to be cooked on a grill or in an oven.
  • Large pot: Needed for boiling the potatoes and corn.
  • Mixing bowl: For combining the cooked vegetables with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Knife and cutting board: For prepping the ingredients.
  • Measuring spoons: For the seasonings.
  • Aluminum foil: To create the individual packets.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preheat the Grill

Start by heating your grill to 400˚F (204˚C). If using an oven, preheat it to the same temperature.

Boil Potatoes and Corn

In a large pot, bring water to a boil and add your cubed baby potatoes and corn rounds. Let them cook for about 10 minutes until just tender, then drain.

Combine Ingredients

In a mixing bowl, toss the boiled potatoes and corn with raw shrimp, sliced Andouille sausage, onion, and garlic.

Season Generously

Pour melted butter over your ingredients, then season with salt, pepper, and Old Bay seasoning for that irresistible coastal kick. Mix well to coat everything evenly.

Prepare Foil Packets

Divide your mixture among four large foil sheets, wrapping them securely to keep all that flavor locked in during cooking.

Grill to Perfection

Place your foil packets on the grill, flipping once to ensure even cooking. After about 15 minutes, your packets should be ready to serve.

Serving Suggestions

Open the packets carefully to avoid steam, and garnish with fresh lemon slices and chopped parsley.

Storage and Leftovers

These foil packets store wonderfully in the refrigerator for up to three days. Simply reheat on the grill or in the oven, and enjoy a delicious meal without the fuss of cooking afresh.

Food and Drink Pairings

To complement the robust flavors of this dish, consider pairing it with a crisp, refreshing lager or a glass of chilled Chardonnay. The lightness of these beverages balances the richness of the sausage and butter beautifully.

Tips, Tricks, and Variations

  • Vegetarian option: Replace the shrimp and sausage with chunks of bell pepper, zucchini, and mushrooms for a vegetarian alternative.
  • Spice it up: Add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper or your favorite hot sauce to the butter mixture for an extra kick.
  • Kid-friendly version: Omit the Old Bay seasoning and replace with a milder seasoning blend to suit younger palates.


Q: Can I make these packets ahead of time? A: Absolutely! Assemble them up to a day in advance and keep them refrigerated until ready to grill.

Q: What if I don’t have Old Bay seasoning? A: You can substitute with any Cajun or Creole seasoning, or make your own by mixing celery salt, paprika, black pepper, and a touch of cayenne.

Q: Can I cook these packets in an oven? A: Yes, bake them at 400˚F (204˚C) for about 15-20 minutes or until everything is thoroughly cooked.

Let’s Connect!

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